Thursday 10 April 2014


7 billion souls living in 192 different countries of the 7 continents of one planet-Earth,searching for that one thing which gives meaning to their life.That one thing which on being fulfilled lets one's soul rest in peace..That one thing which is omnipresent but rarely presented these days..That one thing for which we wake up everyday with renewed hope and zest for life..And That one thing for which you and me and everyone craves for is..A simple for letter word. L-O-V-E.

Everyone needs it..Everyone wants it..Everyone dreams about it..Then why is it so difficult to find...when everyone of us has it within ourselves..?
We all have so much to offer to the much to crave for too..Then why we don't get love when we need it the most..want it the most and are willing to give it without any measure..? It has just come to become a fancy wish which only angels grant to the luckiest people on earth..Somebody once said..

"It is the most easiest thing to love somebody...but if you are really the most luckiest person on earth..the person you love decides to love you back."

Its like all of us have built some kind of walls..Sometimes it isn't to keep others away..but maybe it is to see who cares for you so much so that they can tear those walls down.It is just for the sake of that insecurity which keeps on letting the fear of getting your heart broken keep you from opening it up to others..
Maybe you just want to be sure enough before showing your vulnerable side to others.

That feeling which you get when you know somebody's got your back..when you know that somebody will be there with you no matter what happens is itself so assuring and divine that it would rather make you more confident and tough from within..You would no longer be scared to fit in or be weird being yourself..because you know "I'm not the only one."You then start to believe in the idea that maybe dreams wont remain dreams any longer..maybe you aren't really alone in the crowded world.

I don't want people to be scared of love.I want them to accept it without doubting it..Because it only seems to knock by once..And it may be too late sometimes if you stay there thinking that It might be too good to be true.Just let them all the way in..You never know from where the next miracle might come from..

"The saddest thing man can ever face is what might have been"

So just believe in yourself and your karma. Believe that good things do happen to good people.Even your slightest efforts can change lives and influence people..So don't be afraid to be who you are..There is that somebody out there for you who'll give you more than you ever dreamed don't fall short of love..Try and make other's smile..their smile might bring one on your face too..The purpose of life is fulfilled when you live a life of purpose.Believe that you matter and what you do matters..and yes it does..

{Dedicated to all those souls who have stopped believing in goodness of people and unconditional love..
And to you for inspiring me to write this}

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