Monday, 2 July 2012


Many a times this may have happened to you too that something bad has happened which you were not expecting or wanting.You are upset because of what has "happened" to you and you "feel" bad about it. All of us including me think that our feelings, emotions or thought are a result of the happenings in our life.! But what if I tell you that the occurances or events in your life are a result of your own feelings and emotions!Life is not happening to you ; Life is responding to you..!!! Whatever you get is the "return gift" of what emotions you have given. What you give you recieve that only..! We all are familiar, with Newton's Third Law of Motion : EVERY ACTION HAS AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION.Whatever your thoughts or feelings are ; they return as automatically and as precisely as a echo.!So, If you want to be loved, love..! Because when you love you are using the greatest power in the universe..! It is the positive force of life..!Always remember, that the measure of love is love without measure..! It is but obvious that we have an unlimited ability to think and imagine.! When we think or imagine we feel that imagination.. So if we imagine, think or feel good you will get good..! Hence, amplify your feelings by by thinking, feeling and doing good..! Count the things you love about yourself until you feel amazing..! Henceforth consider yourself as a magnet. where you will attract the people, circumstances and events on the same feeling frequuency..! Destiny is not a matter of chance but it is a matter of choice..!
Whatever you can imagine- you can feel. Whatever you can feel you can make it happen.! Thus, "your perfect life" is already existant in this world..! You just have to bring it to you..! Because you have got the power to do so..! You are meant to have an amazing, superb, fantaculous life..!
Give and it will be given to you.                                   
Nothing comes from without, everything comes from within..! 
                                                -Neville Goddard
What you believe is the truth for yourself and the world. Believe in LOVE, GOD and YOURSELF..!